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2024 RATES
The Three Forks Voice runs on a six-column (11 inch Page Width, 9.38 picas per column or 1.563 inches per column, 22 inches deep) format. Column spacing is .75 picas or .125 inches. We offer Modular advertising, and can also offer combo rates with our other publication, the monthly Lewis and Clark Journal. *Black and White ads are 15% off.* Sizes and Color rates per run:
Business Card (3.25” x 2”) $40, $70 combo
Regular 3” (3.25” x 3”) $50, $87.75 combo
Small Banner (4.875” x 2”) $55, $96.25 combo
Regular 4” (3.25” x 4”) $65, $113.75 combo
Regular Vertical (3.25” x 5”) $85, $148.75 combo
Wide 4” (4.875” x 4”) $95, $166.25 combo
Large Banner 10” x 2” $95, $166.25 combo
Wide 5” (4.875” x 5.5”) $140, $245 combo
1/4 Page (10” x 5.5”)$170, $297.50 combo
1/3 Page (10” x 7”) $275, $481.25 combo
Half Page 10” x 10.5” $355, $621.25 combo
Full Page 10” x 21” $675, $1181.25 combo
Front Page Banner 10” x 3” $350, $612.5 combo (Front Page Banners must be sent by Friday's at noon)
All other advertising will be charged at a $8.50 per column inch rate. The Non-Profit Rate is 15% off.
ADVERTISING FREQUENCY DISCOUNT Three months 15% off. Six months 20% off. Twelve months 25% off. Must be billed at one time.
Contact for news is Jack Smith and advertising Melissa Jenkins at, Call or Text (406) 223-4653.
Classifieds: $8 for the first 25 words, with each word 10¢ thereafter. The classified display rate is $7.50 per column inch. All classifieds are placed on our website for no additional cost.
Obituaries: Are FREE! One run only, subject to editing for length.
Legal ads: $15 per 100 words rounded to the nearest 100th.
Advertising inserts: $100 up to one ounce per piece in weight. $150 up to three ounces per piece in weight. Inserts must be no larger than 8.5” by 11” unless folded. Please contact the Voice for deadline on inserts.
Web Ads: Small Horizontal - 250 X 90: $15-weekly--$55-monthly. Square (Most Popular) - 300 X 250: $20-weekly--$65-monthly. Large Horizontal - 650 X 90: $25-weekly--$90-monthly. Splash - 550 X 480: $30weekly--$110-monthly.
10 WEEK AD SPECIALS STARTING AT $160! Value equal to 60% off regular price
*All 10-week ad specials must remain unchanged during the 10-week period. Not Valid with any other offer or special. All 10-week ads will be rotated in black and white and color pages.
Business Directory: 2 sizes Available! 1.95”x 1.5” $6 or 2.85” x 1.5” for $12! Require a 3-month or longer agreement. Nonprofit rates are available for those who qualify. Business Directory ads will be black and white.
We publish on Wednesdays. Our deadline is 9 a.m. on Mondays for advertising and 5 p.m. on Fridays for news submissions.
To contact the Lewis and Clark Journal: or 406-223-4653.
Any ad canceled after half or more has been produced will be charged at $60 per hour for production costs. Placement of ads in the newspaper is at the option of the publisher. We reserve the right to revise rates 30 days after publishing notice.