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Wolf Update: Drop-off info for TFES Parents

The TFES staff is super excited to get this school year underway. We do want to make sure things are smooth and efficient as we start the year with some big changes. One change is the new parent drop-off/pick-up area. By viewing the map (pardon the makeshift creation) below you can see that the new drop off area is to the NE of the TF campus. We are encouraging parents to use East Ash St to then access either 5th or 6th Avenue, which would bring you to East Oak Street where the new drop off access is located. We are asking for parents to use the parking areas in the drop off area for quick parking only (10 minutes max), and the arrowed lane of the drop off as the drop off lane. When dropping off, please do not let your child exit the car until you are up to the crosswalk area. When using the drop off parents MUST remain in their vehicles as we need to keep the flow of traffic moving.

We know that this is something new and it will take some time for folks to get the hang of things. We appreciate your patience!