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Letter: Hamilton will represent Three Forks

People who love our community show up, put boots on, and get to work to help our neighbors.

We're all tired of the division that politicians are creating. Rocky Hamilton is cutting through the political games so he can solve real problems for the community. He's not here to score political points. He's here to roll up his sleeves to protect your rights and the MT we all love. He has proven that in Three Forks, where he grew up, and in Manhattan where he served as a public servant. We need a representative from our own neighborhood who answers our calls and is fighting for us, not just working for big donors and party members.

While our current representative touts a banner of "Freedom and Liberty", she seems to forget that freedom and liberty also mean privacy.

She seeks to further the national playbook of destroying privacy in business and healthcare decisions. She bullies locals who question her positions. That's not how we talk to our neighbors across the fence to get things done.

She isn't working with neighbors and local government to address the real problems we have. Simply saying "Freedom and Liberty" does not make it so for hardworking Montanans.

We need representation willing to work across party lines to get legislation that matters to our communities. Rocky Hamilton will continue to show up and work for all of us in HD 69.

Janna Lauver, resident of Three Forks (HD 69)

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