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Boyer looks forward to working with communities across Gallatin County

New Gallatin County Commissioner Jennifer Boyer describes her first month on the job as both exciting and incredible.

Boyer, who was elected in November of 2022, is also thankful for the warm welcome she has received from fellow commissioners Zach Brown and Scott MacFarlane, county staff, and community partners.

Boyer said that while she can relate to 'drinking from a firehose,' her experience is that you cannot study from the shore and wade in.

"Local government is a fast-flowing river that you must dive into and start swimming. My preparation has served me well, but ultimately you need to dig into the details, and that has been the first month," said Boyer. "The work is varied, and in a single day, we can be reviewing development proposals, working on affordable housing, tackling mental health, and planning our transportation infrastructure and maintenance. The variety is why it is so fascinating and ultimately important to all our county residents."

Boyer is looking forward to working across the county and in partnership with communities, both large and small. She will serve alongside Three Forks on the newly formed Regional Housing Council to expand housing opportunities for people living and working in Gallatin County.

"Tackling housing and affordability is complicated. However, there are opportunities in policy making, financing, and partnerships to expand opportunities. Ensuring that we have emergency services, like ambulance coverage, throughout our county is also a priority. An analysis is underway now to chart a sustainable path for services and ensure coverage. I am looking forward to learning more about the opportunities we may have and hearing from the community on the service they desire," Boyer said.

Looking towards the future, Boyer said she is committed to showing up, listening, and being a partner as communities in the country address their concerns.

Boyer is also hoping to restart a quarterly, informal brown bag lunch that she said would circulate throughout the county and offer an opportunity to check in, listen, and learn.

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