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Three Forks Area Ambulance Community Update

Our call volume went down in October. 21 total emergency calls were sent out. TFAA transported 9 calls and 4 of them needed a paramedic intercept.

AMR transported 5 calls and AMR transported 2 more with our EMTs assisting the paramedics. 2 refusals, 1 cancellation prior to arrival, 1 vehicle fire, 1 hazmat spill.

TFAA stood by at Three Forks High School athletic events.

The EMT Crew trained on cardiac events this past month. TFAA hosted a joint training with Willow Creek Fire Department and Three Forks Fire Department on responding to emergencies and the use of air ambulances. This presentation was given by our Medical Director Dr. Bret Birrer.

The Ambulance Station was given a new copy machine from Kelly Connect.

October was a fairly quiet month.