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Three Forks FCCLA Spreads Holiday Cheer with Sub for Santa Project's 20th Anniversary

As the winter chill embraces the town of Three Forks and holiday lights illuminate the streets, the spirit of generosity and compassion becomes the heartbeat of this tight-knit community.

During this festive season, Three Forks FCCLA joyously marked the 20th anniversary of its Sub for Santa project, a heartwarming initiative that has become synonymous with spreading hope and warmth to those in need.

Three Forks FCCLA, with the unwavering support of local businesses and community members, has once again made a significant impact through its Sub for Santa project. The Elf Squad, as they fondly call themselves, managed to provide holiday food boxes and gifts to eighteen children in eight different families.

Since its inception, the Sub for Santa project has been a testament to the strength of community bonds. Local businesses like The Three Forks Market, Rick, Val, and Emma Lamb, as well as the Kenneally Family Foundation (Town Pump), have been steadfast supporters from the very beginning. Their commitment has played a crucial role in the project's success, demonstrating the power of collaboration and community spirit.

This year, the Sub for Santa project welcomed new contributors to its ever-expanding list of supporters.

The Beardsley Family of Empire Arms, Three Forks Alumni Travis Buttelman, and individuals Pat O'Brien and Gene Townsend, joined the ranks of community members like Mickey and Ron Imberi in ensuring the success of this heartwarming initiative. The Three Forks FCCLA would also like to thank Richie Vallejos and Marilyn Trent for their contributions to the program.

The Three Forks Christmas Stroll became a pivotal moment for the Sub for Santa project this year. The community's generous spirit was on full display as individuals purchased buttons, contributing to the funds needed for the holiday food boxes and gifts. The combined efforts of everyone involved transformed the Christmas Stroll into a celebration of compassion and goodwill.

Three Forks FCCLA extends its heartfelt gratitude to each and every supporter, acknowledging the vital role played by businesses, families, and individuals alike. The success of the Sub for Santa project is a reflection of the town's collective commitment to spreading joy and kindness during the holiday season.

As Three Forks FCCLA marks two decades of making a difference, they look ahead to future years with optimism and a renewed sense of purpose.

The Sub for Santa project has become a cherished tradition, reminding everyone that the true magic of the holidays lies in giving and supporting those in need.

In the spirit of unity and goodwill, Three Forks FCCLA wishes the entire community a joyous holiday season filled with warmth, love, and the continued spirit of giving.

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