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Our View: Good luck firefighters

6 Three Forks Volunteer Firefighters will ascend to the top of the fourth largest skyscraper west of the Mississippi River later this week as part of the 33rd annual LLS Stairclimb.

We want to take some time to wish Charles Eastty, Cheryl Carrasco, Chase Moore, Trevor Aune, Josh Brigham, and Rachel Follet good luck at the annual event on March 10 at the Columbia Center in downtown Seattle.

Three Forks is undoubtedly proud of all the time you've put into training and fundraising, and the fact you are going up 69 flights of stairs in full gear to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is a true testament to your hard work and dedication for a fantastic cause.

Three Forks is not only lucky to have firefighters who step up for such a great cause but is fortunate to have a dedicated group that volunteers their time year-round for the betterment of the community.

Year in and year out, these volunteers take time away from their families and put their lives on the line to help the community. Whether it is responding to a wreck on the Interstate, a fire call in town, or a mutual fire call out of town, they are the epitome of the word hero.

With the current number of volunteers at 12 and room for 28, this is the perfect opportunity for Three Forks residents to join. In a time when volunteer numbers are dropping, the Three Forks Volunteer Fire Department could use some more people to help, including with calls during regular work hours.

Those interested in joining can learn more when the TFVD meets weekly on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall at 13 E. Date St.

Thanks for all you do, TFVFD.

Jack H. Smith

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