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City of Three Forks continues work on Capital Improvements Plan

The City of Three Forks is continuing to work on updating its Capital Improvements Plan.

At last week’s City Council meeting, the governing body hosted a public hearing on the Working Draft of the CIP, which was first presented at its March 12 meeting.

The City is currently working with Great West Engineering to update the CIP, a prioritized list of infrastructure projects with a schedule for the projects and funding sources.

Jerry Grebenc with Great West Engineering told the Council that the CIP should not be static.

“Whether it’s quarterly, biannually, or even annually, you should look over this document,” Grebenc said.

While typically a five-year document, Grebenc encouraged the governing body to review the CIP regularly, update the completed projects, and add needed projects.

Once the Council is comfortable with the working draft, Grebenc said they will present a fully updated document, and that is where the Council needs to look at all the priorities in each section and come up with an overall list, adding the possibility of starting that discussion at the May 10 meeting.

While discussing the working draft, Councilmember Gene Townsend asked to include an upcoming Three Forks Rodeo Arena project. Townsend discussed a project with an estimated cost of $550,000 to add to new wings of the bleachers attached to the new set that was added in 2020, adding they are also looking at adding covers for the bleachers and upgrades to the “cook shack.”

Grebenc added that the CIP helps funding agencies see the City’s overall priority list and helps everyone understand their priorities.

In May 2023, the City of Three Forks completed a community survey to gather input about updating the CIP.

Grebenc said residents identified water and sewer as the best improvements the City has made in the last five to ten years, adding that critical things residents want the City to focus on are streets, water, addressing growth issues, and emergency services.